Get ready to experience every emotion in the world in this one. You need to just go and grab it and get lost in the world that Kailee Reese Samuels has created. It’s a beautiful one and one you will not soon forget.”

There have been quite a few questions, comments, and concerns about this story, how the other books tie in, and how TAT books (a Tomb of Ashen Tears) will pan out.

the other side of unhappy is absolutely a STANDALONE. The characters, Salvatore and Dante, are from my other books, but the way TOSOU is written is primarily from Dante’s POV and a fresh perspective starting from their turbulent, angst-driven beginnings and continues through until their happy ending. It is in many regards an enemies-to-lovers romance.

I encourage and welcome new readers, but be warned – Dante packs a punch as a jealous possessive alpha male!

To answer the more challenging question of – where does this leave TAT?

TAT Books have more or less centered around three characters: Sal, Deacon, and Iris and how they come of age as mafia offspring, deal with their legacies, and who they become as adults. Honestly, after everything they have been through, I am glad to have one of three happy and in love. Admittedly, not the one I expected first. If you read TOSOU, Sal makes it very clear how he feels about Iris, and I think it is important to remember that the two are deeply bonded.

TAT7 will have Sal & Dante together.

And while I understand the fears of getting emotionally invested with Dante just so the crazy author can off him, I can assure that will NOT be occurring. Sal and Dante are together – embrace the love – I am not splitting them up. Never have two characters deserved to be together more than SalDan and they are here to stay as a bonded pair. It will make TAT7 very interesting. Grins.

A short excerpt from the other side of unhappy:

The man before me—the one in the dark suit he was born to wear—is a nerd. A computer hacker. And nothing short of a mastermind—a genius with a bone to pick. 
He was so my type. 
But I didn’t want to know this. 
In fact, I didn’t want to know any of it.
And I vowed to do it just one time. 

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝗼𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝗼𝐟 𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲



TOSOU is a steamy M/M love story/romance with an HEA and dark elements.

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