Tag: Juliet
I’m going to ramble for a bit. Many of you know we had a pretty significant car wreck Thursday. We’re bumped and bruised, but we’re fine. But we’re gonna ramble… I started the SONS set after A&E last winter. This is important only because A&E was a tremendously difficult write for me on an emotional…
Questions Answered & More
So something really cool has been going on. Between running all over the country doing book signings and promoting Juliet like crazy, I’m getting a lot of questions and I’m going to address a couple of the more common ones now. “This big old book – this War and Peace like tomb – is…
The GoodReads Giveaway
Sinners, Many wonderful and exciting things are happening right now and one of them is this! Happy Holidays! Sami xx Book Giveaway for Juliet