A letter to the Raniero Fangirls …
TWG is a big one. Part 1 is the largest TAT book yet, but it doesn’t feel like it. The team and I were going along, on the edge of our seats, looked up, and bam…341k. I know my Queens will have no problem gulping it down.
I have repeatedly advised taking an emotional breather – a pause between the episodes – and I have never meant that more than I do now. TWG is DARK, but it’s supposed to be.
We’ve watched these mafia “kids” (the 20s) grow up, and now they’re adults and playing the game. I do not soften that blow. It’s mean. It’s rough. And many of you will not like some of the things that happen in TWG.
I won’t apologize.
Take a breather. Don’t stop. Keep going. Trust me. I’ve got you.
You’ve lovingly called me the “sadist author” for years, and that has never been more accurate than in TWG. You’ve been on this journey; you KNOW these characters; you have HISTORY with them, and the bite stings worse than it did in TAT5.
Please remember TWG is 3 parts.
7 ends on an almost sweet note. I cannot believe I am saying that, but it does. However, 8 is some of the most psychologically dark I’ve done. And 9 continues that theme. There is a lot of 🔥.
Chapter titles are as eccentric as ever.
Paperbacks will be up as close to release as possible, and shortly after, they’ll be in the KRS store.
On a personal note, I’ve gone back and forth for weeks on releasing this book at all. It’s always a challenge with TAT books because the bar goes up with each book.
I don’t want to fail you.
And TWG doesn’t.
As my own worst critic, I have opinions. Suffice it to say, I am admittedly nervous AF, but that’s not uncommon with TAT releases either.
TWG is a bold proclamation by Iris – her wants, needs, desires, and fears as she deals with what she has gone through and who she wants to become.
She is a Mafia Queen.
And her rise is epic.
But she doesn’t get there without a few friends…
Sal is raw in a way I don’t know we’ve seen him, especially in 8 and 9. Cruz is…Cruz, but his story clarifies in 8. Dante is dangerous. Dom is still sexy as ever. Nicky…I won’t even go there. Let’s just say you will enjoy his arc especially from 9 into 10. Jynx brings a new comedy that we desperately need in his *cough* friendship with Iris. Mae is hilarious. And if I mention ⛈🍎 someone will be mad at me. 😏 But she is there too. Taunting someone. Ahem.👙
One of the team said, “…the tone of 7 is very intimate… it’s like a personal conversation with us readers which works really well because if you’re this far into TAT, you are already well invested and involved.”
We are over halfway there with TWG, and I hear your concerns about loss because these characters are like family.
No more TATs = very unhappy Dear Reader Queens.
It may sound hokey, but Sal and I are pondering that problem now. I don’t have any answers, but we are aware “the end” is on the horizon, and that you are expressing displeasure. I actually knew it during this write when he started handing over “final” scenes for the last book. We’re working on it.🫖
I love you all.
Thank you for your time, commitment, and devotion to this series. Your passion for TAT – note-taking, speculation, bribing me with cookies – inspires me. TAT10 and 11 are being mapped out now. Do NOT forget that we all know how this “ends”—Sal and Iris with a beautiful HEA.
~ k xx
Preorders are 🆙🆙🆙
TAT7 – 03.31.22 → https://bit.ly/samuelsTAT7
TAT8 – 06.30.22 → https://amzn.to/3I3X1jN
TAT9 – 09.30.22 → https://amzn.to/3JzBMqw
*Dates subject to change.
#kaileereesesamuels #atombofashentears #tatseries #TAT7 #TAT8 #TAT9 #kaileebooks #talkingwithghosts
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