First, I want to thank everyone who has picked up Bad Girl.
I truly loved writing Anna Ford’s story on how she built Juliet. From 1955 to present, Anna takes on her journey of heartache, hope, and love with her own independent bad girl mentality. Anna, Jake, and Luca are some of my favorite characters, and I hope you love this uncustomary romance as much as I have.
Second, I’ve been busy finishing up the last two books in the SONS series. It’s been a year-long journey since Son of Saint (Deacon, SONS book 1) released on February 14, 2018.
Sometimes, series don’t come sequentially.
And that’s okay.
It’s okay if they do, don’t get me wrong.
But like most things, there are no hard and fast rules that work for every writer.
During all of this, I’ve also been working on Famous Last Words (TAT2) which continues Salt Kissed Love, which released October 31, 2017, and Juliet II, which released May 17, 2015.
If you’re one of my readers, you know things are intensifying. The pieces of the puzzle are becoming more evident as the game board assembles in preparation for utter chaos. It has been a remarkable journey for me to embark on, and I want to thank everyone who has stood by me and waited patiently for the books.
I’ve had several requests to move outside of the Juliet/Sal world, and I will.
One day.
Right now, I’m building this story and telling the stories I want to. I’m not writing to market; I’m writing as an original artist with sweeping brush strokes that speak to me.
And I think there is something to be said about writing what inspires us.
During the six-year (I spent 2 years researching before ever hitting publish) course of building my published writing career, I’ve seen a lot of authors come and go. And I always get a little emotional about it.
From my perspective, I’ve learned it’s not a sprint, but a grand cross-country adventure with no clear, distinct goal line. There are markers, achievements, and important things worth attaining. However, there is beauty in the journey and taking time to stop and smell the flowers. Or taking a detour.
I took several detours in 2018 with A&E, She/He + Unspoken, and Poppy. It wasn’t a lack of focus on Juliet/Sal, but a need to explore this laboratory known as my writing.
And that’s okay.
My hope here is maybe, just maybe, one new writer reads this and takes my words to heart about following your creative path. There are tons of people out there who can teach you how to market a book successfully; my concern is the lack of true nurturing for budding young writers just trying to get to The End.
That first book is a real accomplishment.
Ignore the naysayers.
It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad.
Feed your artistic soul.
So, Saint, Angel, Cirque, and Master will be complete in all their glory soon. Some may like them; some may not. But what matters most is my happiness with the project as a whole.
I set out to tell addictive, realistic stories that readers could escape in. And I’m going to continue to do that––even if it puts me going against the trends and flavors of the day.
I cannot write that which I don’t feel.
And I won’t publish anything for the sake of anything other than my satisfaction.
An excellent friend pointed out something to me the other day. She said, “You’re so in love with Sal.”
And I replied, “I would have to be to do what I’m doing. You love Sal?”
She answered, “Yes, I do!”
I’ve written 20 books––about to be 23––on one book boyfriend. From his early young man in The Initiation to the more mature, thoughtful adult man in Unspoken. I haven’t always gone in order, but I wanted to write Sal Raniero’s story. I needed to give my readers a character they felt they could sit down and chat and fall in love with.
With his charm, humor, and flaws, Sal has provided me with more lessons on writing than I could ever list. I allowed him to flourish and develop at his own pace since his humble unpublished short story beginnings in 2008.
Write what you love.
Love what you write.
Be happy.
And if you aren’t happy, ask yourself why. Indie authors are expected to have multi-faceted layers these days. We’re writers, marketers, graphic artists, social media gurus, pirate chasers, and about a thousand other things daily. And we’re supposed to wear all those hats equally well, and the pressure to do such is almost impossible.
Almost an unobtainable goal.
So to the new writers coming into this and feeling overwhelmed and like a failure, you’re not. Pick your battles. Pick your wells of happiness. And blossom with those.
Do what you enjoy and do it well.
Leave the rest for someone else.
And don’t stress.
Books mentioned:
The Initiation Sal’s beginnings at 19. Can be read as part of a 4-book set in The Story of Salvatore.
Son of Cirque (SONS Book 3) → Coming Soon
Son of Master (SONS Book 4) → Coming Soon
Juliet The debut. Iris & Sal begin their angsty romance.
Juliet II → Coming Soon
Kinky Sex Magic Author’s cut of scenes removed from Juliet.
Salt Kissed Love (a Tomb of Ashen Tears Book 1) Iris & Sal’s mafia romance continues.
Famous Last Words (a Tomb of Ashen Tears Book 2) → Coming Soon
Unspoken Sal at 28. The interrogation of Martin “Red” Blum after the dark romance She/He.
And don’t forget to come see me at the upcoming shows!
Pre-Orders are open through Friday via this link.
Motorcycles, Mobster, and Mayhem 2019
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